Falling Away | Teen Ink

Falling Away

November 15, 2012
By Leesa Quinlan BRONZE, Duluth, Georgia
Leesa Quinlan BRONZE, Duluth, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At night, I dance on daisies bright

And swim in starlit streams

My life is pure and full and right

But these are only dreams

Come morning when the sun shines not

And darkness reigns supreme

This broken mind held tight by grief

Has naught to do but scream

But silent, for these lips-sown shut-

Trap secrets, keeping lies

Increase the pains of life, aware

That death's the winner's prize

Through sighs, my soul escapes it's cage

And leaves a hollow shell

It dances on its puppet strings

Makes mockery of hell

Cut loose, limp limbs lack strength and will

Empty-- void of passion

So master-less, the puppet fails

Rosy cheeks made ashen

The cloth of night shields glassy eyes

To hide the hearts that break

So now I lay me down to sleep

And pray I never wake

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 25 2012 at 10:32 am
I absolutely loved this poem. It's rhythm and rhyme were amazing and it flowed really well. I love the lines "This broken mind held tight by grief.", "But silent for these lips- sown shut-",and "Rosy cheeks made ashen."  I really like the ending too. Great poem.