Homeless Girl | Teen Ink

Homeless Girl

April 30, 2024
By Anonymous

The streets were filled from head to toe 

Nobody would stop and help

They called for help day and night 

But nobody heard their yelp 

The little girl struggled to breathe 

And people just looked and shrugged 

She was getting worse and worse by the minute 

She could barely even budge 

Her family had no money to spare 

They leaded and pleaded each day 

The girl could barely move anymore 

The kids just wanted to play 

Each day her life vanished away 

The family couldn’t bare to look

What a disgrace from everyone

That was the end of her book

The author's comments:

This ballad is about a young homeless girl who becomes very sick. Nobody would stop to help her no matter how much her family pleaded. Everyone walks by her with a look of disgust on their faces. These peoples act of ignorance will play a big factor in the end. 

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