He left me in pieces | Teen Ink

He left me in pieces

August 9, 2018
By H BRONZE, New York, New York
H BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Control of thoughts

They asked me why I’m overworking them,

there isn’t much I can do for them

He has the control over them

But I couldn’t answer them

Hope this gets to them


It’s an unexplainable pressure.

Like someone’s pushing against my heart

With all the hatred in the world,

Trying to get it out of my chest.

Unwanted desire

It’s an unexplainable desire;

A desire that I just can’t seem to fight.

It took me so long to forget you, everything about you.

Everything you made me feel, and with that, I forgot what feelings were

Everything you made me trust, and now I question the air I breathe.

Everything about us.

Welcome back

This time you came back into my life and my heart just

wasn’t beating for you anymore, and before you judge me

It simply didn’t because I didn’t have one anymore.

?when my heart is out of the question?

And all that’s left is my mind.

tell me what could I possibly do

What could I do when all the pressure

that was once on my delicate heart is now all over my body;

expanding from my mind, and controlling my thoughts.

Thoughts or murderers?

The thoughts that I can never appease with answers

and assurances that are left to wander.

His touch started a riot in her head. One thought said

His gentle kiss gave her value and warmth. another replied

My thoughts tried to manipulate what is left of my heart to think that

I can have you again. That I can have us again.


Then why is there pressure they asked

Was it from the fact that you could possibly let me go again?

or maybe it was the fact that at this moment I realized that I don’t need you

I could have you, but I just didn’t want you.



The pressure of “why”

They keep telling me that this time it’s not going to cause me any pain.

because this world would only be hard if

I’m weak;

and I’m not weak. I know I’m not weak.

I repeated it in my head until I believed it.

I got it tatted where my heart used to live, so I can never forget that

I’m not weak.

The author's comments:

For anyone who was in a relationship, and couldn't let it go even when the other person threw it away. I know how you feel, and you know how I felt. Just like I got over, I'm sure you will too.

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