Always | Teen Ink


February 19, 2009
By xoxokaty PLATINUM, Indianapolis, Indiana
xoxokaty PLATINUM, Indianapolis, Indiana
34 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Ima always cry about the one I lost
Because he let go not knowing the cost

Ima always be afraid of taking my last breathe
Because I don’t want to see sadness from him until death

Ima always think about when he was here
Because being without that memory is my biggest fear

Ima always be in this depressed stage
Because as long as he’s gone, my life is but a mere page

Ima always try to keep in touch
Because I know what it feels like to lose someone you love so much

Ima always have him running through my mind
Because he’s the only one that can cross the finish line

Ima always know who my soul mate is
Because I met him when we were kids

Ima always have him in my heart
Because that’s where he’s been from the start

Ima always remember his precious name
Because my love for him is greater than fame.

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