One Beach | Teen Ink

One Beach

April 26, 2017
By omilan PLATINUM, Randolph, New Jersey
omilan PLATINUM, Randolph, New Jersey
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The beach is a place of despair
A place in which I waste my time spent
I wail as I breathe the salty air

From the salt that tangles my hair
to wondering where the day's worth went
The beach is a place of despair

When I arrive, I say a prayer
that the evil seagulls have no intent
I wail as I breathe the salty air

When the sand scorches my foot, I release a swear
and I feel sunburn I wish I could prevent
I know the beach is a place of despair

Jellyfish stings give me a scare
and for pollution from trash in the environment,
I wail as I breathe in the salty air

Bringing me to the crowded shoreline is so unfair
My complaints would surely bring you discontent
so the beach is a place of despair
I wail as I breathe in the salty air

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