Out of the Ashes | Teen Ink

Out of the Ashes

April 13, 2016
By R.M.C. BRONZE, Townville, South Carolina
R.M.C. BRONZE, Townville, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A flower grown from the ashes,

Ashes of the heros.
Ashes of the people.
Ashes and dust was all that moved,
The Earth seemed to still that day.
Everyone thought that the world had come to an end
But it was the day we started anew.
America came together to support the people that lost
The people they loved and knew
We stood together as one nation,
Under God, whichever God is the one true God to you.
Difference doesn’t matter because difference is okay,
Everyone is different but that’s what brings us together.
That day, everyone came together, that’s what America stands for,
To live in diversity in peace.
The flower that had grown from the ashes stands for us all
Because people as a nation,
As a community
Everyone has feelings
Everyone feels grief
Everyone has hope
And with hope comes love
With these two things we stood together and rebuilt
Not just Ground Zero
But our relationships with others
So wave the American Flag with love,
Love for the flower that grew from the ashes
And for the ones that lost
Because all lives matter, and all hope is not lost.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as an assignment for my English class, although, I did not turn this in to be graded. Instead, I turned in another piece that met all of the requirements of the assignent. The picture that I used as inspiration for this piece is not the one that you see; I used an art piece done by Banksy, a graffiti artist, as inspiration for "Out of the Ashes".

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