Life in two homes | Teen Ink

Life in two homes

February 11, 2016
By Maddykroeger BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Maddykroeger BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from two homes
My mom’s near the woods
Where there’s baked goods
I’m happy we don’t live in a neighborhood…

I am from two homes
My dads has a pool
My friends say that’s cool
I wanted one since elementary school

I am from sayings
They maybe graying
“Hit a homer” can be popular
When I hear that I wish I could get a dollar...

I am from sayings
“Don’t complain just do it”
When cleaning time comes make sure not to split
Or else my dad will be in a fit

I am from animals
Having 20 pets can be a struggle
If you don’t do it right, you will be in trouble
It’s like learning to juggle....

I am from animals
Snakes, dogs, cats Oh My!
When taking care of them it’s like tying a bow tie

I am from nicknames
Mads, Madls, Kroeger
I’m happy I don’t get called an Ogre...

I am from nicknames
“Kroeger” called in softball
Mostly when I hit a curveball

I am from two homes
They are different in appearance
From moms to dads, it’s quite the distance.

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