Loving Someone That Does Not Want To Be Loved | Teen Ink

Loving Someone That Does Not Want To Be Loved

December 18, 2015
By IxNightWalkerxI SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
IxNightWalkerxI SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What does it mean to love?

To feel just like a dove?

Just soaring through the skies above,

Hitting you just like a boxing glove?


I can't find the right word,

Because of you my speech is slurred.

Now I'm feeling so absurd,

Just wanting to be heard.


All I want is for you to like me,

Is it really that hard to see?

Can't we just agree?

That we could be neverending just like the sea.


I wish you could just get a clue,

That all I want is you.

I hope this doesn't come out of the blue,

Because I swear to you that it is true.


I know that you may not like the rhyme,

Just know that it took me some time.

This might be a hard climb,

But turning me down would be a crime.

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