My love | Teen Ink

My love

January 26, 2009
By Shouldbethere GOLD, Wooster, Arkansas
Shouldbethere GOLD, Wooster, Arkansas
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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remember remember the 5th of november, gunpowder treason and plot, i see no reason why gunpowder, treason, should ever be forgot.

I loved you for a long time.
Then you left my side.
Then came another boy.
He took me for a long, long ride.
By the time you returned, my face was scarred with tears.
He's left me now, and I'll be scarred through the years.
When I hear his name, I give a little jump.
You see my face redden, and my heart begin to thump.
You wonder what's wrong.
And I start to lie.
Then I give up, and I begin to cry.
I can't stand the pain, or guilt I'm driven to.
All because he hurt me, look what I've done to you.
I see your face pinch when you realize why I’m crying.
You try to hide it, but on the inside, I see you dieing.
You hate to see me cry, but hate more I still love him.
I wish it was only you, but he wont stay forgotten.
So through my tears, I’ll hold your hand.
Trying to forget that man, the one who took my heart and broke it.
All the promises that were spoken.
Between us all, we’re all broken.
And thanks to him, I’ve lost the token to my happiness, my last wish.
I listen to the song that says the words I think all day.
Over the Hills and far away, she prays he will return one day.
But if I pray, I’ll lose that part of my heart that wasn’t stolen.
So goodbye forever, my true love token.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem at four in the morning because i was crying. The boys in this poem are real. And i hope no one else has this happen to them, an if u have, ur not alone

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