Prophesy of the soon-to-be Queen | Teen Ink

Prophesy of the soon-to-be Queen

September 6, 2015
By HouseofYork GOLD, Powhatan, Virginia
HouseofYork GOLD, Powhatan, Virginia
12 articles 0 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
"...Time and Chance happened to them all." Ecc 9:11

In a place and time unknown
a fair squire of the Lord
took to ask a request
of a Princess
of that same righteous Lord and King.
She a fair maiden
of good stature
with long blond hair
and blue eyes
that ever change
with time.
Beaming straight
into those angelic windows
to her soul
the squire humbly
Do you remember when I asked you to be my Princess?
to which she reply
Why yes?
reaching for a small box
and taking to his knee
he looked back into her eyes
And opening it slowly
he asks
will you now be
my Queen?
in tears of joy
she would cry
Yes I will!
taking hold of her hand
he happily slips
on the results of a year's labor.
He then
jump to his feet
taking hold in his arms
his once girlfriend
and now
his soon-to-be Queen.

The author's comments:

This prophesy can never be because she became Lady Misery and betrayed me after two years of true love.


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