I am an Unfinished Cirlce | Teen Ink

I am an Unfinished Cirlce

June 19, 2015
By Samuel Lee BRONZE, Fullerton, California
Samuel Lee BRONZE, Fullerton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am an unfinished circle
My life just began to sprout
I am a hiding turtle
In his shell ready to come out
The paths I will take, I can clearly see
Except for the end which is incomplete
I'll go on this path, and be who I am meant to be
My future, whatever it may be, I shall greet
There may be a moment
When I worry about my constancy
But I know in every problem or case I face I will be triumphant
When it comes to solving problems, I will be the  number one attorney
One day I shall slowly yet steadily finish the circle of my life
And I will no longer be that hiding turtle
But a figure as sharp and strong, as a metal knife
I am an unfinished circle

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