The Sad Assassin Vol. II | Teen Ink

The Sad Assassin Vol. II

February 16, 2015
By Gavin Stapley SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
Gavin Stapley SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

You see, my line of work isn’t that physically hard.
That is, if you know what you're doing.
I killed you for a reason,
Do you want to know why?
Because someone solicited me.
There was no chance for you from the beginning.
I have been watching your every move
I know what you do, and don’t.

Now, The emotional toll this job takes on me,
that is a new kind of story.
I go home every night.
Alone, solitary, by myself.
I am just a fright
in the solus of night
And I know that after my job is done,
you will have a funeral just as everyone does
and your family will look down upon you
and cast mourn upon your desolated corpse.
And in the end
What does this all say about me?
What? Did you not think
that I would also mourn having to kill you.

You see, all it takes is one request.
One very expensive treaty.
I’d kill anyone for a motive.
A valid reason at that.
A political candidate, a cheater,
a thief, a leader, or anyone corrupt.
Everyone plays their part in the system.
Even me.

Now, I must return to my sorrow life.
I’ll try not to lift the blade out to hellishly
And leave your body to be found,
and not to decay to
hollow marrowless bones
For I have melancholy for you
just as you have hatred for me
or the anonymous man
that hired me.
I am little more than a sad assassin.

The author's comments:

This is a Dramatic Monologue.

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