From Dusk 'Til Dawn | Teen Ink

From Dusk 'Til Dawn

January 27, 2015
By Jimi23 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Jimi23 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Win the battle before its begun

From dusk ‘til dawn, the burning light
Colors the West decaying might.
In the East, a sweep of dark,
and in the sky a yellow arc.


These will not stop throughout the night.
These voices fill your mind with fright.
Avoiding midnight’s permanent mark,
From dusk ‘til dawn.


Finally, the birds take flight
Towards the East, blooming bright.
The cold new air, ‘gainst dawn so stark,
carries the song of morning lark.
Though, tonight, impending fright,
From dusk ‘til dawn.

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