Asexuality | Teen Ink


January 6, 2015
By MageOfEternalTime BRONZE, Newport, North Carolina
MageOfEternalTime BRONZE, Newport, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The fear of death is greater than the death itself. But the fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all."
- Mark Callway (The Undertaker)

Because they can’t be bothered to
Care that you don’t want sex, they
Even when you scream the definition, they
Fake that they don’t hear, smiling as if it’s all
Good, then asking if you
Have ‘made love.’ They say
I’ll change my mind, I
Just haven’t found someone yet. They
Keep telling me that.
Let them.
My sexuality cannot change,
No matter what.
Over and over, I say this,
Prideful with it. Then they
Question if I was
Raped. I wasn’t, I’m simply
Sex-repulsed. They’re all
Testing my patience.
Understand that I’m
Very loud, because
When you’re loud, they can’t
X you out.
You’re standing there, they can’t
Zone out. They will listen. I am asexual.

The author's comments:

We had to do an alpha poem in our Creative Writing class. Since I'm asexual, I decided to write about how acephobia and discrimmination against asexuals still exist. I tried to be happy about it, but it ended up a bit more depressing. Anyone who's asexual, be proud of who you are!

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