One moment | Teen Ink

One moment

June 5, 2014
By mixlove GOLD, Danbury, New Hampshire
mixlove GOLD, Danbury, New Hampshire
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a falling star

Love is a hard thing to grasp.
You think you have it in a bag,
Then it falls apart.
And You have to deal with that
Pain and suffering of heartbreak,
Then when you go to do something about it
You get lost in love and fall for him again.

You think of his smile.
You think of his looks .
You think of the way he acts toward you, and toward others.
You look at the way he lights up a room when he walks in.
Then you lust and lust, and start to love once more.
Then the cycle starts all over again,
You love him, “BUT”
He doesn't love you.
So your heart aches and aches, for that one moment
For that one time,
just to spend with him.

The author's comments:
life may be hard but that one moment can make it feel so grate.

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