Excuse the Interruption | Teen Ink

Excuse the Interruption

November 19, 2008
By Anonymous

Excuse this interruption, it’s a note from the heart
He’s has been on her mind and has since the start
Crushes are love on the verge of breaking
Her heart is wide open and his for the taking
Days come and end as she waits for her chance
She melts every time he gives her a glance
His smile so catching, his blue eyes so cunning
All of his brushes against her are especially numbing
She feels everyday is a challenge to get him to see
Her heart is like a bolted lock, and he has the only key
Excuse this interruption, it’s a note from the heart
He’s has been on her mind and has since the start

What she doesn’t see is that he feels the same way
He wants her to be his and that to forever stay
This one girl has got him in a complete state of love
Her beauty so striking, she seems to be sent from above
He imagines the touch of his lips to the lips of her
He prays that their time together will finally soon occur
His thoughts consume him of her and what they could be
They could go from two separates to one plural we
He knows that love is a sweet predator with an easy lure
He wishes he were less shy so he could talk to her more
What she doesn’t see is that he feels the same way
He wants her to be his and that to forever stay

He would think each day with her is a god given gift
She would believe he was perfect, their love to never adrift
They would grow old together having kids of their own
They would look back at their years together and see how time as flown
Endless affection would flow back and forth between the two
They would have the love others wish for so selfless and true
He will look into her eyes every morning and thank the lord
She will do the same, and give anything to the one she adored
He would think each day with her is a god given gift
She would believe he was perfect, their love to never adrift
They would live in their house surrounded by a white picket fence
They could be a couple bound by love, but this is just future tense

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