Endless Dreams | Teen Ink

Endless Dreams

March 17, 2014
By tsubasakura SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
tsubasakura SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I like people who put in effort, even if they're not good at it."
- Mitsukuni Haninozuka

Between the world and me, lies
a pristine wall of infinite glass,
separating the hidden shadows
of clipped canary wings
from shadows of metal cage bars.
Challenging reality and lucid dreams,

an endless night of dreams
draws the line between truths and lies,
evoking memories of monkey bars
and shattered pieces of stained glass,
memories of a torn butterfly's wings,
watching them fall back into the shadows.

The voice hidden behind the shadows
calls out to me in my dreams
asking whether I would wear the wings
of freedom and escape this world of lies
shattering the untouched wall of glass
caging me behind the bars.

Detained by unbreakable bars,
I stay behind until shadows
become too dark to see. I watch glass
shatter into droplets of dreams
merging the truths with the lies.
Stretching outspread wings

until the creased tips of wings
touch the rigid cage bars,
I wonder what there is that lies
beyond the light and the shadows
in the world unbounded by dreams.
Let's cross this gate of glass

before the broken pieces of glass
pierce these newly freed wings.
Let's wake from these lucid dreams
rid of the fear that bars
us within. Fly away from our shadows,
forever stranded on the ground, they lie.

Break the glass and bend the bars
find your wings and brighten shadows
to find where in dreams the truth lies.

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