Listen Carefully | Teen Ink

Listen Carefully

February 10, 2014
By Lori Esteen BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Lori Esteen BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Listen carefully, can you hear?
The preschooler playing with his toy car, or the teenager sneaking in after curfew.
Do you hear?
The newborn’s first cry, or the old man’s last breath?
The panic of a driver’s voice after an accident or the happiness of a woman when saying her vows on her wedding day?
Listen closely.
Can you hear the bell ringing for a senior’s last day of high school, or the sirens of an ambulance racing to the scene of a crime?
Listen carefully, you can hear.
Our lives moves so fast, yet we never pay attention to the sounds of the present.
Are we too engrossed in the stresses that we call life, or just hesitant
That if we listen carefully, we might hear something meant to be unheard.

The author's comments:
This piece was written about listening. As a teenager, it is sometimes hard to just stop and listen to the surroundings and or people in our lives.

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