Wrong | Teen Ink


January 10, 2014
By StephenM SILVER, Kildare, Other
StephenM SILVER, Kildare, Other
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It’s overwhelming,
Curiosity blooms within me and I stare,

But this is wrong,
Forbidden from my eyes,
Only to be seen by those damned.

But maybe the hollows containing
The fire destined to burn were
Made for me.
I burn for a reason,
I burn to defy the very things
That history has determined for me.

And I don’t care,
I want to but I don’t,
Shame is all I feel because I know it’s wrong
And I continue to stare,

What would they think?
I’d be hated for sure,
So why can’t I stop,
And why do I want this?
My mind contaminated by beliefs that aren’t mine,
Forced upon me to fit
Into what they want,

I don’t want this,
This isn’t mine.

The author's comments:
This is about one of the first times i realised i was gay

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