Living in a Box | Teen Ink

Living in a Box

November 21, 2013
By Colin Croft BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
Colin Croft BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tumult and conflict deprive
Humanity of its inherent goodness
In this world of initially pure, yet imperfected creatures.
Nothing can stop the greed from controlling
Kings, queens, politicians.

On the surface, a facade of humility and personality;
Underneath, their green hearts searching for more,
Treading over anyone, or anything keeping them from their precious
Simolians. Worthless, but all valuable to the
Impressionable mind of the human race,
Digging up any resources our Mother
Earth has to offer.

The impending doom, the
Halt of civilization, the

Beyond us, so far into the future, yet so close
Our ancestors predicted an outlasted termination. Our
Xenophobia of an imminent demise controlling our every action.

The author's comments:
When this piece is alligned to the left and formatted correctly, it acrostically spells "THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX".

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