Him... | Teen Ink


November 5, 2013
By _jessicaolveraa SILVER, Greenville, South Carolina
_jessicaolveraa SILVER, Greenville, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No llores por el sol, porque las lagrimas te haran perder las estrellas.

He came, I turned; we met at first eye sight.
He took my hand and pulled to the center.
I was shocked. I blacked out, all black, no lights.

He took me close. Chest to chest. He held me tight.
Head on his chest, cologne begins to enter.
He holds my waist. I was flashed at first sight.

Everyone disappears. No one here, all white.
I couldn’t breathe, I was frozen. He was my mentor.
I was shocked; I blacked out, all black, no lights.

Song after song. The stars appear. Its night.
We danced, I didn’t want to stop. He’s cologne renters.
He holds my waist. I was flashed at first sight.

His eyes were like angles. Brown and bright.
His arms, soft and warm. He is gentle, my mentor.
I was shocked. I blacked out, all black, no lights.

The song ends. Our eyes met at final eye sight.
He holds my hand, takes me away from the center.
He holds my waist. I was flashed at first sight.
I was shocked. I blacked out, all black, no lights.

The author's comments:
Dedicated to my dance partner in live.

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