Ode To Fire | Teen Ink

Ode To Fire

May 1, 2013
By LittleMissLovegood BRONZE, Arden, North Carolina
LittleMissLovegood BRONZE, Arden, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its while life thinking it's stupid.

A bright, brilliant flame,
An orange flower.
You are a chameleon,
Ever changing, playful.
A small child,
Running from place to place,
Wrecking havoc as you go.
The world is your playground.
You are like an animal,
Hard to contain, wild, vicious,
But there is a beauty, too.
The day you are doused will be
A sad day indeed.
I will miss my fickle fire,
But we will always be reunited.

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