Ephemeral Yearn | Teen Ink

Ephemeral Yearn

May 5, 2012
By caroleenuh SILVER, San Lorenzo, California
caroleenuh SILVER, San Lorenzo, California
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;I write only because <br /> There is a voice within me <br /> That will not be still&rdquo; <br /> ― Sylvia Plath

There are times like these
where I wish to give you news
where I want to drive over
where I long to share my coffee
where I need to read you poetry
where I hope to hug you close
where I crave for your hand
where I yearn for your kiss
but there are times like these
where the feeling is ephemeral because
of the gap
of the distance
of the stretch
of the miles
of the time
And there are times like these
where I find myself yearning
but only kissing air.

The author's comments:
I need you so much closer.

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