Open is the Heart | Teen Ink

Open is the Heart

November 14, 2011
By NotWriting_Bazinga PLATINUM, Park Rapids, Minnesota
NotWriting_Bazinga PLATINUM, Park Rapids, Minnesota
33 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
"She thought in Italics and felt in CAPITALS." Henry James, Jr
"The terrible part is the truth is the only thing you want to hear.... but the last thing you want to admit." Casey Dalton

I walk along the glistening shore line
Gallivanting with disdain and malevolence
Overrun with thoughts and dreams
My thoughts are dismembered
My dreams are unwanted
My body in utter chaos
My mind under such duress
The blood has stopped flowing
But the wounds not yet healed
This heart is open
Too wide, in my minds eye
But it only wants to let you in

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