Seeing Things | Teen Ink

Seeing Things

December 7, 2007
By Anonymous

i've seen things
that others have not
and as hard as they try
they act as if the forgot
im not willing to give up on my chances
no matter what, nobody decides what my future is
i ve done things that i know one day i'll regret,
i lied to my parents
and that i will never forget
i ve been dishonest and will always try to make things right
and when the argument comes
it'll be harder to give up onn a fight
ive left people
the way that people left me
i've never been known
for what i can do or be
im not suprised that i wont live up to my dream
but i know for sure thAT in a future i will suceed
i have the brains
the looks and the love
but what you have may not always be what you want
i want to be the thing that nobody has ever tried
i want to live life and pretend like i never cried
im not the type to have the drama
i wont except what others may think
and i wont pressure anyone to do things
that will cause them to eaither fall down or shrink
im just a writer
in the city of N.Y
where my dreams will come true
and im only 13
and this is what i do


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