Antenna | Teen Ink


May 12, 2010
By tone8 GOLD, New Orleans, Louisiana
tone8 GOLD, New Orleans, Louisiana
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
A man with one watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never quite sure. ~Lee Segall

It has a rectangular shape to it

I speak and it screams back to me

A million people running around inside

It tries to show me an image

But the people just run around quicker

The object sliding

On, a skinny, long, cylinder it hangs

On its side dangling

Holding on by its last attachment

The blue ball of fusion comes

through the long cylinder

sends the object flying

The rectangular thing

The color of orange and the thick red skin it has

Shaking paralyzed.

The people stop running around

I scream to it hoping it would reply,

It just sits trembling.

The author's comments:
My creative writing teacher inspired me to write this article, because he wanted me to think outside the box and make a simple object seem complex.


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