Dear Lord | Teen Ink

Dear Lord

February 7, 2010
By xXxMandyxXx GOLD, Turner, Michigan
xXxMandyxXx GOLD, Turner, Michigan
19 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You were born unique don't die a copy

Crying through the night,
Wishing on a star.
Wondering what to do,
Wishing to be afar.

How could I done this,
Can't I turn back time?
Why has this come upon me,
And left me here in a rhyme?

Why can't people see,
That I am crying out.
I need someone to understand,
To listen for my shout!

Break through my shell,
And hold out your hand.
Help me walk through,
The golden sand.

Can anyone hear me,
Why won't anyone come?
And rescue me,
Am I to dumb?

Dear Lord,
I am praying to you tonight.
Help me through day by day,
And give my darkness some light!


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