Credo | Teen Ink


October 26, 2009
By Hisa-Ai PLATINUM, Rockford, Illinois
Hisa-Ai PLATINUM, Rockford, Illinois
24 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Even the bravest of soldiers recognizes a battle he cannot win.

Every tick of the clock is a second wasted.

Every blink of my eye is an image hated.

Every breath I take is a scent not taken.

Every moment spent here is a moment shaken.

Every person I meet is a friend not made.

Every task I neglect is a mistake mistaken.

Every lost assignment is a bad grade taken.

Every lie told is a conscience hating.

Every person hurt is a lost soul yearning.

And every moment not lived is a moment not taken;
Because every chance we get is a chance worth taking.

The author's comments:
This started out as me just being bored in Geometry one day and writing in my Poetry Notebook instead of taking notes. And then I tweaked it a little over lunch and during Art class and, well, this is the end result. And it just expresses my feelings, not only about school, but about other things in life that I don't neccessarily love to do.
And I hope that, when people read this, it will inspire them to do something that they never thought they had the guts to do whenever given the opportunity.


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