i wish... | Teen Ink

i wish...

August 28, 2009
By amberlynn.zero PLATINUM, Pleasant Valley, Iowa
amberlynn.zero PLATINUM, Pleasant Valley, Iowa
29 articles 0 photos 4 comments

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i admire darkness, its so pretty,
i wish i could be pretty like that...

He loves her so much,

A blind man could see,

He loves her so much,

But I wish it was me.

I want to be her,

The center of his world,

I want to be her,

Forever, his girl.

But he cant see it,

He has no clue,

That I just wish he would say,

"I love you".

Sadly, though, no

That's not how it is,

I guess I'm not destined,

To forever be his.

So he tells me of her,

While I sit in this place,

Listening intently,

A fake smile on my face

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