A poem to my mother... | Teen Ink

A poem to my mother...

April 25, 2024
By ja822471 SILVER, Kenhorst, Pennsylvania
ja822471 SILVER, Kenhorst, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hate promises because you always break them.

I hate the lies you spread about being sober.

I hate when you say you will change because it makes my heart break.

the stroke wasn't enough of a heartache?

why aren't we enough of a reason to get clean? 

please don't look at me as if you don't know what I mean.

it doesn't matter how much we cry and scream.

because you will always carry on with your scheme.

it doesn't seem like a coincidence

the fact is you took our innocence.

we hope and pray that you will change.

but at the end of the day, we all know our feelings are backstage.

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