My Brick Room | Teen Ink

My Brick Room

October 8, 2023
By Spradanya BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
Spradanya BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The four brick walls had become more sturdy

Few were inside; quite less than thirty

Most walked right by, some may have been curious

Few could not get in and those few were furious

But out of them all, only small few

Would even care or even want to

But one started to walk around

And soon after, another joined the same ground

The two walked by every day

Until they decided to perhaps stay

They tapped lightly on a wall

But couldn’t get in since it didn’t call

The second took out a small hammer

Some saw and there was a little clamor

The building owner did not see this tool

But against having this, there was no rule

Slowly the second chipped at the brick

And slowly the time continued to tick

I soon began to notice the marks

And so I made some little remarks


Now, finding this admirable, silently, I                                

As the room’s owner, would help you to pry

And break down the walls that you seem

To be interested in to such an extreme

Maybe the brick room needed this?

Or not? I began to reminisce…

There was now a lot of damage

On your own, you could likely manage

Now that you’re inside, you’re pulled to the center 

Be very gentle, it’s fragile and tender   

You walk over and rest your hands on it softly

Before it lights up, it flickers, shortly


A bond around you and the center has been made 

In fear, I try to make you evade

But, the center gets damaged and dulls significantly 

Terrified, I try to pull you out with difficulty

The center then threatens to crack

So I give up and push you right back

Like you already did, I decide to embrace it

And that odd bright light again starts to emit

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