Running away | Teen Ink

Running away

May 12, 2023
By 4carpenter BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4carpenter BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We run for freedom, for our children.

But it has to be dark, when the sailors are sleeping and the air cold.

It is so silent, as we creep through the water, we can hear the sailboats shifting side to side.

“This is the final stretch” Our leader says as he leads us through the freezing water.

If we can pass through this Harbor without being caught we can waltz into the north and be free. We can hear gunshots in the distance from the war, but we have to push ahead because this might be our only chance.

As I walk through this freezing cold harbor I think to myself, what the next chapter of my life will look like. I will have a house with a wife and two kids who are treated with respect and who can enjoy their childhood and go to school.


From the pain

From the fear,

From the struggle,

From all the hate.

To my new life, where I make the decisions, I decide if i want to work

And I decide when I’m hungry.

Because I am Free.

The author's comments:

this is a ekphrastic poem that we did in class on the picture "Moon over a harbor"

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