Point of View | Teen Ink

Point of View

November 5, 2022
By Anonymous

Hearts turn cold to thy sounds of breathing,

Minds turn blank at thy sounds of speaking.

A world that seems like a lullaby,

Just sounds like honey and poison mixed for thee.

Books that look blue, that bloom to the touch.

Turn gray to just one sound of thy breath.

Birds, whistling, chatting may distract my discern for thee.

But splinters and cracks can not be distracted from a long time.

A world that's turning radiations,

Turn hearts back to warm,

But mine just stays the same

Wanting everything to change to the way it was.

The author's comments:

Hello! I made this poem to represent the world around us and our lives! There are quite a bit of symbolism in this poem because I tried my best to somewhat bring out my style of poem but at the same time bring out the old styles of the poem. I hope you guys enjoy this poem and really think about it! (ps. write your thoughts on what this poem means in the comments!) Thank You!!

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This article has 1 comment.

Elandra6 said...
on Nov. 7 2022 at 11:50 am
Elandra6, Peachtree City, Georgia
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is amazing!!!