The Realm of Sleep | Teen Ink

The Realm of Sleep

October 4, 2022
By miharu_isoya BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
miharu_isoya BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If all you ever do is look down on people, you won't be able to recognize your own weaknesses." - Bakugo Katsuki

"Move on, he's not worth it."

What is better than you oh Sleep, 

An escape from all reality,

Many may think of you in such normality,

Going away by counting on sheep.


The clock strikes twelve and off one goes,

To you, oh Sleep, how nobody knows,

Little by little the world drifts away,

Fantasies or nightmares keeping it at bay.


In the depths one feels free

The distance of the fantasy putting them in glee,

Many of one take it simply,

But others induce the pain to reach Sleep nimbly.


Many guests await at your door,

Admittance a pleasure for most,

As some have endless dreams of away,

You toil some with a series of unfortunates at play.


A reckless manner one with the likes of you contains,

In Sleep, why have you ought to complain?

The author's comments:

For me, sleep has always in a problem. From during the day into the late nights, I've lain in my bed, staring at the shadows my night lamp made on the wall. As much as I would try, it would never come; things would come for me from parts of my room, causing sleep to flee away from my grasps. When I hear from others how easy it is for them to casually take a nap, envy floods through me, cause only I know the struggles of having lain awake all night, the endless ticking of the clock, and the demons in my thoughts coming into vision. What about you? What's your relationship with sleep?

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