Incarceratin | Teen Ink


June 7, 2022
By Anonymous

A long drive late night

Came and went drooping lights

The engine roared, tires screeched

Lanes switched, sirens flicked

Sped off the ramp, Like camo I hid

Cop cars surrounded me

All these eyes on me

Eyes are black like night

Thought i was good when I hid

The head chief turned on the lights

At me a cigarette he flicked

Pulled his chair and it screeched

Lecture began with a screech

The cop was threatening me

Handcuffs shut with a flick

County jail I spent my night

Woke up from flip of the lights

On the way to the court I attempted to hid

Behind my desk I hid

Hammer fell with a screech

Eyes hurt from lights

Aim of the eyes on me

Judges heart black like night

Towrads the door his finger flicked

Doors on the bus, open they flicked

Pride in my heart hid

Hallway dark like night

Cell opened with screech

Cellmate was cold to me

Guard turned off the lights

Guard turned on lights

Cellmate gave my arm a flick

Dangers of jail he spoke upon me

Layed low at lunch I hid

Across the room, peer gave a screech

He didn't make it to the night

Flashing lights, and sirens screeched,

Goon flicked open the switchblade he hid,

Stabbed and sliced me, it all turned to night.

The end.

The author's comments:

It is a thrilling story about a person whos life spirals out of contro and he finds himself in a prison fight that he loses.

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