Unsaid and Unheard | Teen Ink

Unsaid and Unheard

August 4, 2021
By Anonymous

I shake you hard,
but you still fade.
Crimson staining
where you laid.
I call your name,
but you don't respond;
My tears are fast
on your waves of blonde.
Your eyes are open,
but they don't see;
The world comes crashing
down on me.
A pallid white
in place of your rosy hue;
then you stop breathing,
and I nearly do too.
Sirens getting closer
but I can't hear;
Took only a bullet,
snatched all I held dear.
I search your wrist -
I can't find a throb;
You don't hold me now
when I start to sob.
They take you away,
beautiful even dead,
leaving me to regret
the three words I never said.
And I scream your name
again and again,
as I kneel beside
that crimson stain.
And I think about
the night we danced -
Your cheeks flushed pink
every time I'd glanced.
About the day
we'd gone to see
our first picture
and you'd laughed with glee.
About how we'd ran
among the buds in bloom;
And how I'd thrown pebbles
at the windows of your room.
About your smile that would
light up my entire world,
and those golden tresses
which around your neck had curled.
But the spark has left
those eyes so blue;
Never again will I hear
that voice so true.
And you've left me lying
on an empty bed,
regretting those three words
I never said.
I scream them now -
but you don't hear;
Took only a bullet,
snatched all I held dear.
I'm broken now -
I need you near;
Took only a bullet,
snatched all I held dear.

The author's comments:

This particular poem may have been inspired by the fictional events of a television show (Grey's Anatomy for any of my fellow watchers!), but as Stevie Wonder rightly said, "Gun violence is real. People don't come back." And it needs to stop. 

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