Its poetry to me | Teen Ink

Its poetry to me

May 3, 2009
By mavaabrat3 PLATINUM, Palm Harbor, Florida
mavaabrat3 PLATINUM, Palm Harbor, Florida
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The A’s and B’s and onomatopoeia,
The format that makes poetry look like leaning pizza,
As long as I get it down on paper,
And it’s subject to the eraser
Its poetry to me,
Its poetry for all to see,
The poetry that touches you and makes you feel,
Or the kind that teaches you how to deal,
I just rhyming it like I bop it, twist it, and pull it,
And rhyme it to get the point across or like I’m full of it,
Either way the poetry gives all of us a craze,
The simplicity or complexity could leave us all in a daze,
And to me its poetry
It’s the kind that lets my emotions be,
My territory and my capsule,
My blueprint on how with history I will battle,
The work that is my declaration to others,
And the same work that shows my love for friends, life, and my own mother,
If my poetry seems like it’s an autobiography,
Then to me it’s defiantly poetry.

The author's comments:
Just a topic that I wanted to write to.


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