Autumn's small things | Teen Ink

Autumn's small things

May 2, 2009
By Megan Otto SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
Megan Otto SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
7 articles 15 photos 0 comments

The rushing of children, without a care

leaping into the air

just to land on a pile of newly raked leaves

all of the thoughts gone

but merely replaced by a new one

school is over for the week; a time to relax

where all the leaves fall off one by one

Just to crumple up in the wind

to be smashed by the children

and thier small yet big bodies

but as the children are playing

a leaf flies by, being pushed by the wind

seen by so many people

and so many more

not all people

realize one thing

all the same

goes through

whether we realize it or not

that a little thing

can slip through our lives

quickly and leave just as quickly

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