Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 20, 2018
By Whole_note SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Whole_note SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from starting over.

New towns, new friends, new surroundingsー

making the best out of difficult situations.

I’m from the West side of Aurora, Illinois.

Middle class, diverse, Home of the Blackhawksー

receiving what is needed, splurging for a want.  

I’m NOT from small town Hartland, Wisconsin.

Privileged, uniform, Home of the Warhawksー

complaining for what is wanted, not needed.

I’m from elongated nights in rehearsal.

Singing, dancing, actingー

pretending to be someone else on stage.

I WAS from stagefright and nerves.

Panic, anxiety, judgementー

fearing rejection from society.


I’m from the food industry.

Responsibility, fast pace, demandingー

barking orders from managers and impatient customers.

I WANT to be from music education.

Passion, timbre voices, inclinationー

sculpting the minds of children to appreciate the arts.


I’m from starting over.

New towns, new friends, new surroundingsー

making the best out of difficult situations.


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