How video games are bad for you | Teen Ink

How video games are bad for you

January 8, 2014
By monkeyking BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
monkeyking BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People should not waste time doing video games because they can have an obsession over any kind of video game. For example, if a person had an obsession over a violent video game called Roblox, then they won’t stop playing the game because when people start to do violent related video games, they won’t stop playing the game. Roblox, a bad videogame, can cause violent or aggressive behavior. Some video games can cause real life violence like shooting people. Even though some video games are bad for kids to play on, video games can cause obsession or cause a lot of kids to do the wrong thing.
People should not have any obsession over any kind of videogame because people should do what they need to do like go to school. People should not play video games because some games can be violent and bad for people to play on. Different kinds of video games can be bad for people because different kinds of video games can be violent. One kind of violent game is called Roblox. For example, when a kid plays Roblox, then they would start misbehaving because violent related ideas cause bad behavior. Violent video games, can be bad for the brain and can cause kids to make the wrong decisions.
Roblox is a violent video game for people to play on because the game contains violence and has a lot of shooting. When people become violent, they physically hurt a person because when people start violence, they think that they are playing a violent game in real life. Roblox, a brutal video game, can make people do the wrong thing.
In the effect of video games, most video games can cause violent behavior. Also, any violent videogame can cause aggressive behavior, emotional outbursts, or decrease of inhibitions. When people play violent video games, it causes real life violence like shooting because violent video games can easily change people and their behavior. Violent video games can change kids behavior by having emotional outbursts or having aggressive behavior.
According to my research, in violent video games, more than 1,000 reports and studies says that most violent video games may also contribute to aggressive behavior and desensitization to violence. Some video games are good for the brain like the video game Mario Karts. Some video games, like Mario Karts can make kids go crazy after a person wins. For example, a ten year old boy started to whine because an eight year old kid had beat the ten year old in Mario Karts. Video games, bad for the brain, causes emotional outbursts.
When people play video games, they waste their time doing things that has nothing to do with their social life. Video games can waste peoples extra time that they do not need. For example, when a student had finished their homework, then they can start playing their video games. If that student had played too much video games every day, then they are starting to waste their time on a game that has nothing to with their spare time. Video games, can waste peoples time, wastes ton of time that people need.
What a person can do is play video games for at least two hours a day because when kids play too much video games, then they won’t stop playing. Playing too much violent video games can make you go crazy because when people play a lot of violent video games, it can make that person go crazy and make them do real life violence. Video games, makes people go crazy, should be used a few hours a day instead.
Some video games can be violent because violent games can change people's behavior by having obsession over the game. For example, in the game Roblox, that game is violent because different kids might have obsession over that particular game. Video games, bad for the brain, can cause obsession over violent video games.
Are violent video games bad for kids to play on? Can violent video games cause obsession or make kids do the wrong thing? Do you chose to do the good videogames or the bad kinds? Violent video games are bad for kids because it can cause obsession over that violent video game.
The violent video games can make you do the wrong thing because violent video games can cause kids to do the wrong thing by changing kids behavior. Also, when kids do violent video games, they chose to do the wrong thing because violent video games make people choose the wrong thing. Lastly, when kids play violent video games, the game can cause kids to have bad behavior because violence can only make things worse.
Vocabulary words:
Desensitization: A behavior modification technique.
Inhibitions: Guilt or fear produced by past punishment.

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