The Balancing Act | Teen Ink

The Balancing Act

December 2, 2013
By Dallas_Towner BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Dallas_Towner BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As soon as I started to read this article I quickly realized how much Jacob's story is like mine. I do believe that school comes first in life. The thing that I am wondering about is how much of my life should be devoted to school above athletics. I feel that athletics could be a possibility at the collegiate level.

Since I feel that I might be able to get a scholarship for lacrosse, I don't know how I should split the time between athletics and academics. I have a 4.0 GPA at the moment because I have had a lot of spare time at home to study and do home work because lacrosse is a spring sport. I fear that when spring rolls around, I may not be able to keep that 4.0 GPA. Since at least 2 hours will be devoted to lacrosse practices or games every night, that leaves a minimal time to study and do homework after school every day. I will need to decide how much time I can really afford to devote to lacrosse while keeping up my grades.

This is something I think me and my parents will need to sit down and discuss, because it may decide what happens after high school. I do not know if I should hope to earn an athletic scholarship, or try to play it safe and do the bare minimum amount of athletic time and focus on school. Now that I am in high school, this is a serious topic I will need to worry about because college is right around the corner believe it or not. It amazes me that I am already thinking about college when I just started high school. But I would really like to thank you Jacob for opening my eyes to a serious topic I will need to think about in the near future.

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