I'm Not Alone | Teen Ink

I'm Not Alone

September 25, 2018
By rsherman2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
rsherman2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Septembers Sun,” written by Molly, talks about a dead man, a bicycle, and a passion. Her writing left me feeling sad and very bittersweet. Her story was a fascinating read that really emotionally moved me. The same thing happened to me in 2014. My grandma was doing her second100-mile bike race and she was in an accident and was killed on impact. Since then I would ride her bikes long distance and take pictures of the beautiful scenery around me when I am sad or need some alone time to clear my head. The author writes, “I ride for him. I ride to feel the unity between a dead man, nature, a bicycle, and a passion. A passion that burns within me when I gasp for air, speed through the trees over piles of rocks, or fall because I am afraid of falling.” This quote is relatable to me, and so is this quote: “Every time I ride. Every time I’m passed by someone faster and stronger. Every time I grind the harsh, red dirt into my knees, or morning dew sparkles on race-day grass, I remember. Even as the wind blows past my ears and into forests of green life, I remember.” It’s a very peaceful yet sad thing to think about. “Septembers Sun” is an amazing read, and it made me feel like I wasn’t the only one going through that kind of pain. I’m not all alone.

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