Disrespectful Gum Chewers | Teen Ink

Disrespectful Gum Chewers

January 27, 2017
By Anonymous

This world needs more considerate gum chewers.  Everyday millions of people chew gum.  There are hundreds of flavors and brands to choose from.  However many people do not know how to be considerate and responsible with their gum chewing.  Throughout my life I have had many gross experiences with gum due to disrespectful gum chewers.  Many times I have gone to move a desk and as I reached under the desk I touch chewed gum.  This is one of the worst chewed gum encounters in my opinion.  I immediately rush to the hand sanitizer or bathroom to wash my hands.  This uncleanly act can also create a problems for custodians and even teachers who occasionally have to scrape the gum off the bottom of the desk.

Another bad gum experience many people can relate to is stepping in chewed gum.  Gum should never just be thrown on the ground, it should always be put in the trash.  I have never understood why people feel the need to put their chewed gum on the ground.  This unkind act can result in someone spending thirty minutes trying to pick your nasty chewed gum off their shoe. No one likes to do that.  Throwing gum on the ground can also be a hassle for custodians.  They are already busy enough cleaning the school they don’t want to spend extra time cleaning up gum from kids who were too lazy to find a trash can.

There is the not so much lazy, but one of the most annoying gum chewers.  The ones that chew with their mouth open.  Many times I am in class trying to focus but all I hear is the obnoxious chomping of an open mouthed gum chewer.  I sit and wonder if the person can hear how loud they are being or if they are just oblivious of their distracting and annoyance to the whole class. 

Lastly, is little kids chewing gum.  If your kid is not responsible do not give them gum.  Adults should teach their children proper disposal places for gum.  They are also responsible for their teaching kids how to chew gum quietly.  Another thing that many young kids aren’t mature enough to understand is when it is an appropriate time to blow a bubble.  Many teachers at younger schools have to create strict rules about blowing bubbles.  If your child is not mature enough to put the gum in the trash can when they are done then the parent should not give the child gum.

Gum is a great for breath freshening, helping you focus during a test and much more.  However knowing where to dispose of gum is a very difficult task for many.  Gum should be put in a trash can when you’re done with it, gum should never be stuck anywhere or just thrown on the ground.  Also if you’re going to chew gum make sure you are being quiet and only blowing bubbles when it is appropriate.  Please be a responsible gum chewer and support responsible gum chewing.

The author's comments:

This was inspired by annoying gum chewers.

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