A Question | Teen Ink

A Question

December 15, 2016
By queen_6502 GOLD, Springfield, Massachusetts
queen_6502 GOLD, Springfield, Massachusetts
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When life hands you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it"

There's a certain kind of defeat. It hides in the deep dark crevices of our adolescent minds. Like the monster under your bed, it waits for the perfect time to slam into you like a freight train. This defeat isn't losing a game, or failing a test. This defeat is reserved for when life defeats you. Not for when you feel sad, but for when you don't feel anything. When life takes a sledgehammer and breaks 6 of your ribs. The defeat you feel when life spits in your face as you lay there, battered and bruised. It's the defeat you feel when you know deep, deep down that those who should support you just don't have it in them. What do you do when there is nothing to do? When one of the greatest things topples over like a toddlers tower of blocks? What do you do when life, something we treasure and cherish, throws you a curve ball you just weren't ready for?

I hate the way we bash our intelligent youth. We're constantly looking for the greatest mind, but too many times has that mind been kicked and punched, hit and scratched. We tell that mind to dumb it down, that they're too smart, that they aren't worthy of love. We force our youth to face life's defeat almost every day. Everyone wants to be normal, but humanity is the one who creates normality. The defeat of life is bone crushing, soul draining, spirit robbing. If we love life, why do we ruin others? Everyone in the universe is just as complex as you. Everyone has a weakness, everyone has a fear that they don't really mention in truth or dare. We all know this, so why do we take advantage of other people. We love to laugh at freaks,but forget that freaks are still alive. They have a favorite color and they don't like asparagus and they like it when it snows. They have minds, bodies, souls, lives. They crave everything you do. They love books and sweaters and hate it when no one texts them back. They look up to you. Yeah, you heard me.Everyone has that one person in the world they just want to make laugh. You could be that person.

Life's defeat is when not only does that person frown, but they ignore you. When you try so, so, so  hard and you don't just lose, you get hit with a ten pound truck of the worst stuff in the world. We as humans try and try and we know we all try so why do we ruin something that is so precious to others. I guess I really just have one question; why?

The author's comments:

Hey.I kinda had a bad day today(though I feel better after this).I don't know,I guess I just want to get this you there and see what the reaction is.

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