Why Does Bullying Start? | Teen Ink

Why Does Bullying Start?

April 19, 2016
By Anonymous

Bullying has been a serious issue more many years. Some even confuse bullying with “playing around”.  There are many ways bullying start and how they progress.

For some parents it is hard to see there children being bullied, some parents do not even know that their child is being bullied until it is too late. Some parents, being single parents, are never home or do not have that bond with there child to know when they are being bullied and do not handle the situation.

The environment in which a child is placed may have a connection with bullying. Some children may be living in an atmosphere where there’s only negative things for them to set there mind. This may cause for them to be bullied. One may think that an easy way to fix this is for the parent or parents get their things and move to a better neighborhood, but it’s not as simple as that. The parents’ may not have enough money to make a huge transition to a new neighborhood.

Parents have a huge role in whether their child becomes a bully or not. Often, parents do not give their children enough attention whether its because they do not have enough time due to their job or the simply do not want to give their children the attention they need. Since they do not get that attention at home, they look for it in another place. This is how bullying starts. Bullies often get a lot of attention making others feel bad and embarrassing them in front of many people.

Bullying is characterized by 1. Causing harm to other intentionally, 2. For there repetition and 3. Feeling that sense of power over others.

Many may not see this but the environment a child is placed and how there parents are towards their children play a huge role on whether there child becomes a bully.

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