Not Just You | Teen Ink

Not Just You

April 7, 2016
By Anonymous

Dear people, do you even realize that you are living in a huge commmunity? You're not the only person living and breathing the oxygen on this earth right now, because there are lots of people out there that live the same way as you do. In our daily life, we need interactions between us, so that we can gain helps for something we can't afford. Maybe you can do most things, maybe you know many things, but what you have right now aren't enough for you to be alone and live for your own. There must be at least a thing that you don't know or you can't do, although you're a genius and that means you need people around you.

Have you heard about people being selfish? Thinking about yourself and forget the others? This is the most annoying thing in my life. We are together, so we must stick together in any ways. Understanding people is not really hard as you think it is, just imagine that you're in their place, you must feel the same thing. Don't wait for those things to approach you, just have the feelings inside you. In fact, there are  lots of examples for those selfish people we can found anywhere around us. We tell people to do this, do that, do everything, but we don't even think about their time? We say to people we need something immediately, but do we think about their efforts to fulfill what we want?

It is totally not just you having problems here. If you're in a really bad situation and maybe you can't decide on something, you might say you're out of your mind, out of control, that is totally wrong. Everything can be solve, because you are not the only creature that have those problems. If one can solve the same thing, then you definitely can. Sometimes we are also too tired or maybe you don't have time to think about others? Cheating in exam without even thinking about the future? Stealing something when you desperately need? Those are just bullshit.

Therefore, remember that you're not alone, you have everyone for you. Everything can be done easily, everything can be good. Think about others, and not just you.

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