Why Weight is Insignificant | Teen Ink

Why Weight is Insignificant

March 23, 2016
By xyang20 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
xyang20 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My lifelong dream was to have the “perfect” weight and size. I was always envious of other girls, constantly thinking to myself, “Why can’t my body be like theirs?” From a young age, I was educated to think that having the “perfect” size supposedly portrays a reflection of beauty across the globe. But growing up, I found out that this was far from the truth. Truth is, we are who we are, no matter our weight, size, or form of body.

Fat, thin, skinny, overweight, chubby, flabby, bony. What do they mean? These words are all used to discriminate one from another. It’s weird how people are spending so much of their lives obsessing over something that isn’t crucial. I think weight is an overrated topic that people tend to be consume themselves within. A lot of people might say that weight is important because it indicates our health state. This is yet another insignificant belief, because I’ve seen living proof of the exact opposite. Weight should not be considered imperative, nor should it be something that you, me, or anyone else should use to represent themselves in life. 

There are numerous studies that show why weight is not important. According to Aurelia Seidlhofer, eating healthy to maintain your weight doesn’t necessarily show that you’re going to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is possible to appear healthy but get diagnosed with cancer. There have been many comparisons of people with similar weights; however, their body images are drastically different. For example, two women who weigh the same might have different body heights, sizes, fat percentages, etc. Therefore, your looks and health doesn’t necessarily relate with your scale. Selena Gomez, a celebrity who has been accused of being overweight, says, “I realize everybody wants what they don’t have. But in the end of the day, what you have inside is much more beautiful than what’s on the outside.” This quote indicates that your personality and character is far more remarkable than your looks. Sure, people will remember what you look like, but it is your charisma that will form a deeper impression and will stay with people for a long time.

People are continuously going on and on about how weight is correlated to health. Trust me, I know, because I hear my parent’s yapping all the time. This could be true in many situations, but researches have proved this statement to be greatly exaggerated. Weight doesn’t necessarily show you’re healthy. Tom Ewer says, “Throughout much of the world and for most of human history, being fat was a sign of success and wealth that demonstrated you could afford enough food to add those extra pounds.” Many people are risking their health to be skinnier, therefore leading to more deaths. Katherine M. Flegal from the National Institutes of Health stated that people who are obese tend to have a smaller mortality rate when compared to the “normal-weighted” people. It is critical to know that we cannot overlook the consequences weight may bring to this generation.

Weight. It means the quantity of your heaviness or how much matter you contain. Weight is just one word, yet it’s impacting people all around the world. Many people are being judged for their body size. It’s funny how people are taking a two/three digit number into extreme account, and letting it decide their present and future. This issue is important to acknowledge because the society today is giving out misguided attitudes, causing all ages of people to feel insecure of their body. I personally believe that no matter how much you weigh, you are as significant as everyone else. One scale does not measure your success. Only you can create your success. Do not spend half of your life being insecure about your body, because life is too short to worry about little things. If people judge you for your body size, ignore them. They won’t understand your beauty without appreciating you first. They won’t understand the story plot because they didn’t like the cover. But most of all, they won’t understand you for who you are.

The author's comments:

I wrote about this specific topic because I personally have had some experience of being critisized. People talk about weights all the time, yet they don't truly understand the meaning of it. I want express my opinion about what weight is, and how you should be openminded about someone no matter their appearances.

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