Useless labels. | Teen Ink

Useless labels.

February 25, 2016
By BRONZE, Peru, Indiana BRONZE, Peru, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Left. The undying word.

Nerd. Geek. Prep. Popular. Jock. Lame. Gay. Artist. Metalhead. Punk. I bet for every word you read you could think of at least one person at your school, and that, in my opinion, is 100% unacceptable. All these stereotypes and labels are just a way to make us feel better about ourselves. You shouldn't have to be classified under "prep" or "jock" to feel good about yourselves. No one should be hateful or predjudice just to be cool.

From someone who's been labeled a million hurtful things, it doesn't matter. You learn not to care what people label you. You learn to just be you. Not anyone else. You don't have to be mean just to be liked. Having a hundred fake friends that are just intimidated by you isn't nearly as good as one friend that really cares about you Because you were nice to them. So here's to all of you...

Band nerds, rock on.
Jocks, play on.
Metalheads, rock on.
Artists, keep drawing.
Be you. I like who you really are.

The author's comments:

This is a topic that has bothered be for quite awhile. I think everyone deserves the same recognition, no Mayer what label they have.

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