The Power of Language | Teen Ink

The Power of Language

February 22, 2016
By Isaac1 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Isaac1 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Language is the absolute most important aspect of today’s society. There are a wide variety of forms of language prevalent throughout the world: oral language, written language, and body language. Individuals express their ideas and feelings using different variations of these forms of language; although, no matter the type, ideas and arguments are presented in all forms. While different types of language may be used, the overarching purpose for all forms of language is to communicate with others. Each of the types of language execute this communication in different ways, but always end up at the same final result.

Without any languages throughout the world, society would be unable to progress in even the slightest of ways. Language holds the power to transform the world, which is exactly what it has done over time. With this power to change the world, language itself is bound to evolve over time to fit the changing needs of society. There is no way to avoid the evolution of language over time, nor is there any reason to attempt to do so. Mark Pagel states in How Language Transformed Society: “[language is a] cumulative cultural adaptation.” With this being the case, language will continually change to benefit society at any specific period in time. It is for this reason that there should be no “correct” form of language, as it is continually changing over time and varies for each individual.

All forms of language are up for interpretation and can manipulated in many ways by individuals. There is never a “wrong” form of language because each individual speaks in a specific, distinguishable form. Amy Tan describes in Mother Tongue how people define her mother’s choice of words as a “broken” form of English. She goes on to illustrate that her mother’s language is in no way indicative of her intelligence and that it sounds quite natural to her. Amy Tan demonstrates how opinions are formed about people based only on the way they communicate. Tan’s mother is a perfect example of how some forms of language may be quite unique, but in the end they are always able to reach the same final conclusion as other forms.

If individuals continue to put limits on what are “acceptable” forms of language, society will become extremely mundane. Every individual would speak with exactly the same mannerisms, without any variations in sentence structure. Rather than continuing to criticize certain individuals who don’t have “perfect” language, society must embrace the differences in language forms. There is no reason to focus on the peculiarities in language, as language will continue to evolve and fit the needs of society during any specific period of time. Language is an extremely powerful tool that society holds, so individuals should begin to embrace the power that it grants humanity.


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