Lanes of Happiness | Teen Ink

Lanes of Happiness

February 21, 2016
By hattanyossri BRONZE, Alexanderia, Other
hattanyossri BRONZE, Alexanderia, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Those days personal issues are uncountable;however,people have never tried to follow the lanes of Happiness.Instead..., they GROWLED, CRYED, SLUGGED,...etc destroying their consciousness, vanishing the remains of their humanity and saying Bye to their mentality.

The young girl every day sitting in the corner listening to music BANG!!BANG!! while her Mamy and Dady were.... fighting, kicking and hitting each other like bloody demons.She never had a room to hide at.The chilled corner was the only shelter,but she never lost faith in God.She got her pocket money by playing the guitar,that she found at the junkyard, in the streets.The girl is now a superstar.The 1st Lane"Hope".

The 2 couples who were the last survivors of War, they lived together, the man planted wheat, grains and some trees just to see his woman eating delightfully and sleeping full after all the pain she felt in the past. The woman was laying on the bed with all the wounds they couldn't cure starving in pain the physical pain didn't make a lot of sense, but the mental made a lot of sense, the feeling that she always take and never give, that feeling of pure shame and gap killed her from the inside. She slept and didn't get sight to world until she felt the lovely warmth of her husband hand, opening her eye she forgot everything except happiness.2nd Lane: Start with the Good and Give but never wait for the payback.

"YOU BRAT"they shouted,
"God bless you"he prayed.
"I am going to disturb my teacher in a dirty way"they growled,
"May God lead you"he prayed.
"I hate you"they claimed,
"Thank you"He answered.
"I brought you gift but it's to cheap and simple, I'm so....",
"It's more than perfect I loved it" he cut
THIRD lane: Say a good word and leave the rest to God.

3 ways to follow not hard at all, want to be happy walk them all.
Always Give And Never Ask Back
Always Put Faith in God and Yourself
Always Say the Good Word
Thank You.

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